
  • Standardization in the area of Artificial Intelligence and serves as the focus and proponent for JTC 1's standardization program on Artificial Intelligence. INCITS/Artificial Intelligence is the U.S. TAG to ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 42. Note: INCITS/Artificial Intelligence was formerly known as INCITS/AI until January 2022.
  • The INCITS/ATA Storage Interfaces Technical Committee develops commands and features for the Serial ATA (SATA) interface. The INCITS/ATA Storage Interfaces Technical Committee was established in December 1995. Note: INCITS/ATA Storage Interfaces was formerly known as INCITS/T13.
  • INCITS/Biometric Performance Testing is the Task Group on Biometric Performance. The Task Group addresses the standardization of biometric performance testing, definitions, metrics, calculations, methodologies, specifications, models, best practices, and reports. INCITS/Biometric Performance Testing is the U.S. TAG to ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 37/WG 5. Note: INCITS/Biometric Performance Testing was formerly known as INCITS/M1.5 - Biometric Performance Testing and Reporting until January 2022.
  • The INCITS/Biometrics Technical Committee develops standards to support interoperability and data interchange among biometric applications, systems, and common file frameworks. Areas of focus are Biometric Vocabulary Harmonization, Biometric Technical Interfaces, Biometric Data Interchange Formats, Technical Implementation of Biometric Systems, Biometric Performance Testing, and Cross-Jurisdictional/Societal Aspects of Biometrics. Standardization efforts encompass Governmental and Commercial applications, both domestic and international. The INCITS Technical Committee on Biometrics serves as the U.S. TAG for ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 37. Note: INCITS/Biometrics was formerly known as INCITS/M1 until January 2022.
  • The INCITS/Biometrics Data Interchange Task Group is focused on the standardization of the content, meaning and representation of the information used by the biometric data interchange formats. Its scope has expanded to include projects addressed by TGs formerly operated under Biometrics as follows: Biometric Technical Interfaces and Profiles that covered the standardization of all necessary interfaces and interactions between biometric components and sub-systems (formerly INCITS/M1.2); Technical Implementations of Biometric Systems that addressed biometric profile standards for interoperability and data interchange, and projects that focused on providing additional technical implementation guidance for biometric systems (formerly M1.4); and Cross Jurisdictional and Societal Aspects of Biometric Implementations that focused on the study and standardization of technical solutions to societal aspects of biometric implementations (formerly INCITS/M1.6). INCITS/Biometrics Data Interchange serves as the U.S. TAG to ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 37/WG 2, WG 3, WG 4, and WG 6. Note: INCITS/Biometrics Data Interchange was formerly known as INCITS/M1.7 - Biometric Interchange and Societal Aspects until January 2022.
  • The INCITS/Blockchain Technical Committee is focused on the development of national and international standards in the domain of blockchain and distributed ledger technology systems. Main Areas of focus are: • Foundational aspects of Blockchain as vocabulary, architecture • Security, privacy, and identity for Blockchain and DLT • Interoperability of Blockchain and distributed ledger technology systems • Smart contracts and their applications • Governance • Use cases • Other applications of Blockchain and DLT INCITS/Blockchain is the U.S. TAG to ISO/TC 307 and its working groups. In this capacity it proactively participates to all of ISO/TC 307 activities. Note: INCITS/Blockchain was formerly known as INCITS/Blockchain and Electronic Distributed Ledger Technologies (EDLT) until January 2022.
  • Standardization in the area of Brain-computer Interfaces (BCI) for information technology to enable communication and interaction between brain and computers that are applicable across application areas. • Serve as the focus and proponent for JTC 1’s standardization programme on BCI, including the development of foundational standards. • Provide guidance on Brain-computer Interfaces to JTC 1, IEC, ISO and other entities developing applications of BCI. Excluded: standards for human implants and medical applications.
  • The INCITS/C++ Task Group is responsible for the technical development of the standard for the C++ programming language. The goal of this project is to make it possible for C++ programs to be highly portable among different operating systems and across a wide variety of computers. High level of compatibility with the ISO C standard and suitability for the International community are two associated goals established by INCITS/C++ that will help to extend the useful life of this standard and increase the audience of its users. INCITS/C++ is the U.S. TAG to ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 22/WG 21. Note: INCITS/C++ was formerly known as INCITS/PL22.16 until January 2022.
  • INCITS/C is responsible for the technical development of the standard for C programming language. The goal, which INCITS/C believes had been successfully achieved, is to make it possible for C program to be portable among operating systems and across a wide variety of computers. Extensive work has been done to make this standard acceptable in both the National and International arenas. A high level of compatibility with the ISO C++ standard and suitability for the international community are two associated goals established by INCITS/C that will help to extend the useful life of this standard and increase the audience of its users. INCITS/C is the U.S. TAG to ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 22/WG 14. Note: INCITS/C was formerly known as INCITS/PL22.11 until January 2022.
  • The INCITS/Character Sets and Internationalization Technical Committee is responsible for the creation and maintenance of global standards for the coding of characters from languages and writing systems around the world for use in computational devices. Characters include letters, digits, punctuation marks, symbols, emoji, etc. Currently, characters for more than 150 writing systems are encoded. The Technical Committee is also responsible for the standard related to ordering of strings. INCITS/Character Sets and Internationalization is the U.S. TAG to ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2. Note: INCITS/Character Sets and Internationalization was formerly known as INCITS/L2 until January 2022.
  • The scope of the INCITS/Cybersecurity and Privacy Technical Committee is focused on the development of international standards in information security, cybersecurity, and privacy protection. This includes generic methods, techniques, and guidelines to address both security and privacy aspects, such as: • Management of cybersecurity; in particular, information security management system (ISMS) standards, security processes, security controls and services. • Cryptographic and other security mechanisms, including but not limited to mechanisms for protecting the accountability, availability, integrity and confidentiality of information. • Security management support documentation including terminology, guidelines as well as procedures for the registration of security components. • Security aspects of identity management, biometrics, and privacy. • Conformance assessment, accreditation, and auditing requirements in the area of information security management systems. • Security evaluation criteria and methodology and security requirements for cryptographic modules. • Security requirements capture methodology. The scope of INCITS/Cybersecurity and Privacy also includes the development of U.S. standards in information security, cybersecurity, and privacy protection. Additionally, INCITS/Cybersecurity and Privacy can collaborate with other INCITS Technical Committee to ensure that security and privacy are adequately addressed in U.S. standards that do not have information security, cybersecurity, and privacy protection as a primary focus. The scope of INCITS/Cybersecurity and Privacy explicitly excludes the areas of work on cyber security standardization presently underway in INCITS B10, M1, T3, T10 and T11 as well as other standard groups, such as ATIS, IEEE, IETF, TIA, and X9. Note: INCITS/Cybersecurity and Privacy was previously known as INCITS/CS1.
  • The INCITS/Data Management Technical Committee is focused on the development of U.S. and international standards in data management and interchange. INCITS/Data Management serves as the U.S. TAG to ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 32. SC 32 (Data management and interchange) develops standards for data management in local and distributed information system environments. SC 32 standards address enabling technologies, promoting harmonization of data management facilities across sector-specific areas, including: 1. Database languages (SQL and GQL), services, and protocols for persistent 2. storage, access, update, and interchange of data; 3. Reference models and frameworks for the coordination of existing and emerging standards; 4. Definition of data domains, data types, and data structures, and their associated semantics; 5. Methods, languages, services, and protocols to structure, organize, and register metadata and other information resources associated with sharing and 6. interoperability, including electronic commerce; and 7. Data Usage terminology and guidance for combining anonymized data sets. SC 32 develops these standards in four Working Groups: WG 1 (eBusiness), WG 2 (MetaData), WG 3 (Database language), and WG 6 (Data usage). Representatives from INCITS/Data Management member organizations participate as authorized experts in SC 32 Working Groups. INCITS/Data Management and its subgroups monitor progress and actively contribute to the development of standards in SC 32 WGs. Note: INCITS/Data Management was formerly known as X3H2, X3L8, NCITS/H2, NCITS/L8, INCITS/H2, INCITS/L8, INCITS/DM32.2, INCITS/DM32.8, and INCITS/DM32.
  • The INCITS/Drivers License Task Group works on the international Drivers License standard. The international standard establishes guidelines in the format and content of motor vehicle driver licenses (DLs) to support the requirements of national or regional motor vehicle authorities and international conventions. It creates a common basis for international use and recognition of DLs without impeding individual national and regional authorities in taking care of their specific needs. DLs and related documents are defined within the standard, in a broad framework of categories as documents for separate uses or function including passenger vehicles, commercial transport vehicles, other related traffic safety applications (e.g. transport driver recorder card) and other card functions at the discretion of individual national/regional motor vehicle authorities. They can be enhanced by the adoption of machine-readable technologies. INCITS/Drivers License serves as the U.S. TAG to the ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 17/WG 10. Note: This task Group was formerly known as INCITS/DL-Cards - Drivers License until January 2022.
  • INCITS/Education serves as the U.S. TAG to ISO/IEC JTC 1 Subcommittee 36 - Information Technology for Learning, Education and Training. The scope of work is standardization in the field of information technologies for learning, education, and training to support individuals, groups, or organizations, and to enable interoperability and reusability of resources and tool. Excluded from this scope are: •standards or technical reports that define educational standards (competencies), cultural conventions, learning objectives, or specific learning content. •work done by other ISO or IEC TCs, SCs, or WGs with respect to their component, specialty, or domain. Instead, when appropriate, normative or informative references to other standards shall be included. Examples include documents on special topics such as multimedia, web content, cultural adaptation, and security.
  • INCITS Executive Board is the primary U.S. focus of standardization in the field of Information and Communications Technologies (ICT), encompassing storage, processing, transfer, display, management, organization, and retrieval of information. As such, INCITS also serves as ANSI's Technical Advisory Group for ISO/IEC Joint Technical Committee 1. JTC 1 is responsible for International standardization in the field of Information Technology.
  • The INCITS/Fibre Channel Technical Committee is responsible for the development of the Fibre Channel (FC) standards. These standards specify the following: Physical variants and interfaces; Framing, signaling, and link services; Upper level protocol mappings; Switch models and protocols; Management functions and protocols; Other technical work deemed necessary for the Fibre Channel industry. INCITS/Fibre Channel serves as the parent committee of the INCITS/Fibre Channel Physical Variants and INCITS/Fibre Channel Interconnection Schemes Task Groups. Note: INCITS/Fibre Channel was formerly known as INCITS/T11 until January 2022. The INCITS/T11 nomenclature is still used by other industry organizations and member companies to designate Fibre Channel technologies.
  • INCITS/Fibre Channel Interconnection Schemes is the Task Group within the INCITS/Fibre Channel Technical Committee responsible for all FC projects which define Fibre Channel encoding and protocols. It held its first meeting on April 23, 1998. INCITS/Fibre Channel Interconnection Schemes defines the encoding and low level protocols which allow Fibre Channel to carry a broad set of upper level storage and networking protocols. Among these are FCP (SCSI), NVMe over FC, and FC-SB-6 (FICON). The goal of INCITS/Fibre Channel Interconnection Schemes is to provide a high performance, reliable, and low latency transport mechanism for upper level protocols. Note: INCITS/Fibre Channel Interconnection Schemes was formerly known as INCITS/T11.3 until January 2022.
  • INCITS/Fibre Channel Physical Variants is the Task Group within the INCITS/Fibre Channel Technical Committee responsible for all projects and parts of projects dealing with Physical Variants (e.g. media, connector, transmitter & receiver requirements). Note: INCITS/Fibre Channel Physical Variants was formerly known as INCITS/T11.2 until January 2022.
  • The INCITS/Fortran Technical Committee is responsible for the development and interpretation of the United States and International standards for Programming Language Fortran. In addition to working on the next revision of the Fortran standard, INCITS/Fortran works on interpretations of the current standard and develops the list of new features for the revision. This technical committee is the U.S. TAG to ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 22/WG 5 and provides recommendations on U.S. positions to the JTC 1 TAG. Note: INCITS/Fortran was formerly known as INCITS/PL22.3 - Programming Language Fortran until January 2022.
  • The INCITS/Geographic Information Systems Technical Committee closely aligns with ISO/TC 211 and their constituent working groups. A substitute for use of the term 'Geospatial', as presently used in the title for the INCITS/Geographic Information Systems and for ISO/TC 211, is the modern and widely used term of 'Geospatial'. INCITS/Geographic Information Systems strives for standardization in the field of digital geospatial information. The committee aims to establish a structured set of standards for information concerning objects or phenomena that involve direct or indirect association with a location relative to the Earth, enabling the analysis of planetary spatial relationships, with an emphasis on planet Earth. These standards may specify, for geospatial information, methods, tools and services for data management (including definition and description), acquiring, processing, analyzing, accessing, presenting, exchanging and transferring such data in digital/electronic form between different users, systems and locations. The work shall link to appropriate standards for information technology and data where possible; and provide a framework for the development of sector-specific applications using geospatial data. The work of the Geospatial Information Committee consists of adopting or adapting information technology standards and developing digital geospatial data standards. Digital geospatial data standards are concerned with creating, defining, describing, and processing such data. INCITS/Geographic Information Systems serves as the U.S. TAG to ISO/TC 211. Note: INCITS/Geographic Information Systems was formerly known as INCITS/L1 - Geographic Information Systems (GIS) until January 2022.
  • INCITS/Graphics and Imaging develops standards for computer graphics and image processing. INCITS/Graphics and Imaging's area of work includes the standardization of functional specifications, APIs, and interchange/encoding supporting the representation, presentation, and exchange of graphical and image data. Application areas include image capture, markup, and processing; visualization and interaction with 2D/3D graphical systems; synthetic environments coding and representation (e.g., modelling and simulation, smart cities, digital twins); and augmented, virtual, and mixed reality. INCITS/Graphics and Imaging is the U.S. TAG to ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 24. Note: INCITS/Graphics and Imaging was formerly known as INCITS/H3 until January 2022.
  • The INCITS/ID-Cards Test Methods Task Group develops standards for test methods for identification cards and related devices. INCITS/ID-Cards Test Methods is the U.S. TAG to ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 17/WG 1. Note: INCITS/ID-Cards Test Methods was formerly known as INCITS/Test-Cards Physical Characteristics and Test Methods until January 2022.
  • The INCITS/ID-Cards Technical Committee develops national and international standards in the area of identification cards and related devices for use in inter-industry applications and international interchange, e.g.: • Physical characteristics and test methods for identification cards • Integrated circuit cards with contacts • Contactless integrated circuit cards • High and low coercivity mag stripe cards • Optical memory cards • Machine readable passports & visas • Health care identification card (national project only) • Thin flexible cards and tickets with mag stripes (new International project) • Drivers License/Identification cards INCITS/ID-Cards is the U.S. TAG to ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 17. Note: INCITS/ID-Cards was formerly known as INCITS/ID-Cards - Cards and Security Devices for Personal Identification until January 2022.
  • At the March 8-9, 2022, INCITS Executive Board meeting, a new Technical Committee (TC), INCITS/Inclusive Terminology, was established to develop an INCITS standard on Inclusive Terminology. The TC will also have the responsibility of preparing updates to the INCITS Inclusive Terminology Guidelines that will be submitted for Executive Board consideration and approval. The Inclusive Terminology standard developed by this TC will be available to the public at no cost, to maximize awareness and adoption. The Executive Board endorses, in principle, the collaboration with other SDOs and organizations in the development of inclusive terminology standards and authorizes the TC to explore opportunities for collaboration and to bring specific proposals to the Executive Board for consideration.
  • INCITS/Internet of Things will address standardization in the areas assigned to ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 41 which has the following terms of reference: Standardization in the area of Internet of Things, Digital Twin, and related technologies including Maritime, underwater IoT, and Digital Twin applications. • Serve as the focus and proponent for JTC 1's standardization programme on the Internet of Things and Digital Twin, including their related technologies. • Provide guidance to JTC 1, IEC, ISO and other entities developing Internet of Things and Digital Twin related applications. INCITS/Internet of Things is the U.S. TAG to ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 41.
  • The INCITS/IT and Data Center Sustainability Technical Committee, , serves as the U.S. TAG to ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 39. INCITS/IT and Data Center Sustainability will address standardization in the areas assigned to ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 39 which include standardization of assessment methods, design practices, operation and management aspects to support resource efficiency, resilience and environmental sustainability for and by information technology, data centers and other facilities and infrastructure necessary for service provisioning. Note: INCITS/IT and Data Center Sustainability was formerly known as INCITS/ITS39 until January 2022.
  • INCITS/JPEG is the U.S. TAG to the JPEG activities of ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29. Note: INCITS/JPEG was formerly known as INCITS/L3.2 - Still Image Coding until January 2022.
  • INCITS/MPEG is the U.S. TAG to the MPEG activities of ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29. Note: INCITS/MPEG was formerly known as INCITS/L3.1 - MPEG Development Activity until January 2022.
  • INCITS/Multimedia Coding activities and project development are conducted at the international level for the standardization of coded representation of audio, picture, multimedia and hypermedia information - and of sets of compression and control functions for use with such information - such as: audio information, bi-level and limited bits-per-pixel still pictures; computer graphics images; moving pictures and associated audio, multimedia and hypermedia information for real-time final form interchange; and audio visual interactive scriptware. The Task Groups of INCITS/Multimedia Coding are: • INCITS/MPEG • INCITS/JPEG INCITS/Multimedia Coding is the U.S. TAG to ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29. Note: INCITS/Multimedia Coding was formerly known as INCITS/L3 - Coding of Audio, Picture, Multimedia, and Hypermedia Information until January 2022.
  • The INCITS/Networks Technical Committee is responsible for the development of the National Standard Reference Model on Open Distributed Processing (ODP). The ODP will model the features and functions required to achieve a transparent distributed processing platform. This model will be used to coordinate future standards development in the area of distributed processing, much as the Reference Model of Networks Interconnection was used to coordinate communications standardization. INCITS/Networks is the U.S. TAG to ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 6/WG 1, WG 7, WG 10 and SC 7/WG 19 and provides recommendations on U.S. positions to the JTC 1 TAG. Note: INCITS/Networks was formerly known as INCITS/T3 until January 2022.
  • The INCITS/Office Equipment Technical Committee participates in the standardization work of ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 28. SC28 is chartered with developing office equipment standards in the areas of: copying machines; printers; electronic typewriters; facsimile equipment; multifunction printers; office equipment supplies; and scanners. INCITS/Office Equipment is the U.S. TAG to ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 28. Note: INCITS/Office Equipment was formerly known as INCITS/W1 until January 2022.
  • Patents that pertain to INCITS projects.
  • The INCITS/Programming Languages Technical Committee is concerned with any ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 22 issue which does not fall within the domain of a single INCITS Task Group. This activity includes the following representative examples: • consideration of new work item proposals (NPs) • cross-language issues • U.S. conveners • organizational matters INCITS/Programming Languages is the U.S. TAG to ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 22 Note: INCITS/Programming Languages was formerly known as INCITS/PL22 until January 2022.
  • Publicly available documents, forms and templates.
  • The INCITS/Quantum Computing Technical Committee: • Serve as the U.S. TAG to ISO/IEC JTC 1/WG 14, • Serve as a focus of and proponent for JTC 1’s standardization program on Quantum Computing. Identify gaps and opportunities in Quantum Computing standardization. • Develop and maintain a list of existing Quantum Computing standards produced and standards development projects underway in ISO TCs, IEC TCs and JTC 1. • Develop deliverables in the area of Quantum Computing. • As a systems integration entity, maintain relationships with other ISO and IEC TCs and other organizations that are involved in Quantum Computing standardization.
  • INCITS/SCSI develops standards and technical reports on I/O interfaces, particularly the series of SCSI (Small Computer System Interface) standards. Note: INCITS/SCSI was formerly known as INCITS/T10 until January 2022.
  • INCITS/Secure Identification Proximity Devices is a Task Group to INCITS/ID-Cards and has responsibility to review and update the standards associated with: • Integrated Circuit Cards with and without Contacts • Identification devices that include: smart cards, non-card formats, tickets --- Contactless Proximity integrated circuit(s) cards (PICCs), proximity coupling devices--readers (PCDs) and vicinity integrated circuit cards (VICCs) • Related Interoperability aspects, including building blocks for identity management via mobile devices Major areas of responsibility are standards including, but not limited to: • ISO/IEC 7816: Identification cards -- Integrated circuit cards (with and without contacts) security and commands and data elements for interchange and card management, Cards and Security Devices for Personal Identification • ISO/IEC 14443 Contactless Proximity Objects • ISO/IEC 15693 Contactless Vicinity Objects, ISO/IEC 23220 Building Blocks for Identity Management via Mobile Devices • ISO/IEC 23465 Card and Security devices for personal identification – programming interfaces for security devices. Associated standards work includes: electrical parameters, communications interfaces, security protocols and high-level applications that utilize these standards. This Task Group is the U.S. TAG to ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 17/WG 4, WG 8, and WG11. Note: INCITS/Secure Identification Proximity Devices was formerly known as INCITS/IC-Cards - Circuits, Interfaces and Protocols for Secure Devices until January 2022.
  • INCITS/Smart Cities serves as the U.S. TAG for ISO/IEC JTC 1/WG 11. ISO/IEC JTC 1/WG 11 has the following scope, which INCITS/Smart Cities mirrors: 1. Serve as the focus of and proponent for JTC 1's Smart Cities standardization program. 2. Develop foundational standards for the use of ICT in Smart Cities - including the Smart City ICT Reference Framework and an Upper Level Ontology for Smart Cities - for guiding Smart Cities efforts throughout JTC 1 upon which other standards can be developed. 3. Develop a set of ICT related indicators for Smart Cities in collaboration with ISO/TC 268. 4. Develop additional Smart Cities’ standards and other deliverables that build on these foundational standards. 5. Identify JTC 1 (and other organization) subgroups that are developing standards and related material that contribute to Smart Cities, and where appropriate, investigate ongoing and potential new work that contributes to Smart Cities. 6. Develop and maintain liaisons with all relevant JTC 1 subgroups. 7. Engage with the community outside of JTC 1 to grow the awareness of, and encourage engagement in, JTC 1 Smart Cities standardization efforts within JTC 1, forming liaisons as is needed. 8. Ensure a strong relationship with Smart Cities activities in ISO and IEC.
  • The INCITS/Systems Software Engineering Technical Committee delivers standards in the area of software and systems engineering that meet market and professional requirements. These standards cover the processes, supporting tools and supporting technologies for the engineering of software products and systems. Systems engineering, whose origin is traceable to industrial engineering, is defined as an interdisciplinary approach governing the total technical and managerial effort required to transform a set of customer needs, expectations, and constraints into a solution and to support that solution throughout its life. INCITS/Systems Software Engineering is the U.S. TAG to ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 7. Note: INCITS/Systems Software Engineering was formerly known as INCITS/SSE until January 2022.